Free listings
Every business in Walla Walla connected with the tourism industry can have their business listed on our website for free. To learn more, check out our 1-page tip sheet that offers a step-by-step instructions on creating a new listing and updating an existing listing, as well as submitting an event for the Visit Walla Walla event calendar.
For more information, please contact:
Industry Newsletter
We send out a quarterly Industry Newsletter to help our local hospitality partners stay informed on trends, opportunities, and the impact of the work we are doing to promote tourism within the valley. To sign up, click here.
Click on the below photos to access the newsletters!

In 2023, Visit Walla Walla was selected to receive the State of Washington Tourism’s Rural Tourism Support Program which works with a steering committee of residents to help develop a region’s 10-year strategic vision for tourism. As part of the program, two surveys were conducted – the results are below:
- Visitor Opportunities Survey – offers insights gathered from visitors to the Walla Walla Valley about their experiences and perceptions (2023)
- Tourism Stakeholder Survey – provides insights from people who work in or support tourism and outdoor recreation (2023)
Visit Walla Walla hosts free stakeholder training sessions 2-3 times a year geared toward local businesses that are connected to the tourism industry. Each session is summarized with a tip sheet providing helpful “how to” guidance as well as resources for best practices. Click through the links below to access the tip sheets and other related materials from past trainings!
- Visit Walla Walla Marketing 101 – overview of what Visit Walla Walla offers and how to leverage our tools
- Email marketing – learn how to create a strategic email marketing plan and content calendar
- Social Media – three guest speakers offered a high-level look at optimizing social media channels (Facebook & Instagram) through smart copywriting, strong photography and creative video
- Public Relations – watch a presentation to hear best practices from Visit Walla Walla’s PR agency as well as the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin (Editor-in-Chief, Tony Balandran, and/or features/Explore editor, Brittany Anderson) to learn best practices in pitching your business to media
Currently, Visit Walla Walla has no open positions.