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The hero gravel of Walla Walla

Combine a scenic gravel ride with a visit to a local vineyard.

Nestled in the rolling yellow hills of the Palouse and crisscrossed by a network of unpaved roads, Walla Walla, Washington is quickly becoming a gravel riding destination. A few miles north of the Oregon border, the city gives way to the endless farmland of eastern Washington before rising into the remote Blue Mountains where riders on the hunt for more vertical gain can get their fix. Thanks to its dry climate and good weather, Walla Walla is a hub for Washington’s growing wine industry and cycling scene. It’s easy (and recommended) to combine a scenic gravel ride in the surrounding hills with a visit to a local vineyard.

Kick your ride off right in the heart of Walla Walla’s historic downtown at Allegro Cyclery. With weekly gravel rides for cyclists of all experience levels, Allegro is the hub of the city’s burgeoning scene. Before you hit the road, pop over to Colville Street Patisserie to caffeinate, and fuel up. Just a stone’s throw from Allegro, the local pastry experts churn out the butteriest of French delicacies and pull a mean espresso shot for locals and tourists alike.

What makes Walla Walla ideal for gravel riding is access. Forget driving to a parking lot to start your ride, simply head east on Russell Creek Road and pedal your way towards the Scenic Loop or Spring Creek Loop in the undulating foothills of the Blue Mountains. As the road climbs, the town quickly fades into the background and rolling hills dotted with vineyards, soybeans and barley rise around you. Eventually you hit the Scenic Loop Road and the pavement gives way to finely graded gravel. Hero gravel, even.

Rolling up and over ridges and down into pristine green valleys (or yellow depending on the season), the aptly named Scenic Loop delivers views at nearly every corner. While some of the twists and turns are non-technical, others provide quick descenders the chance to put their tire traction to the test on white knuckle serpentine downhills.

Once you get your breath back, the Scenic Loop dead ends into Mill Creek at the bottom of another valley before turning up the arguably even more scenic Spring Creek Road. After a solid four-mile gravel climb, the entirety of the Walla Walla Valley sprawls out before you to the west slowly unfolding itself in ribbons of green and gold. If you’re up for a little more vert to get an even better vantage, head up for an out-and-back on Black Snake Ridge Road. The chunky gravel road falls off dramatically into the next valley delivering nearly 360-degree views.

Take your time on the descent down to Mill Creek and then either cruise back on the main road or ride the Scenic Loop in reverse back to town for the best bang-for-your-buck 40-mile gravel ride in the whole Northwest. Once back in town, coast over to the Green Lantern for their huge selection of draft beer and some of their famous fish tacos.

If you’d prefer to indulge in the exploding wine scene of Walla Walla, pedal a little further outside of town for a visit to the beautiful Waterbrook Winery and Restaurant. Overlooking a pond with views into the Palouse farmland. The vineyard offers a wide array of local wines and delicious food to boot.